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HOME >> News >> The former Opel CEO Karl Join Magna Steyr

The former Opel CEO Karl Join Magna Steyr

Published:2014-07-29 Views:4317 Publisher:www.wiseleed.com

According to the journal of the American automotive news reports, the former opel CEO Carl Fred richie Mr Strack (Karl Friedrich Stracke) will join the magna steyr, the latter to magna international, a subsidiary.

Magna has announced in a statement, the 56-year-old Karl Fred richie Mr Strack will join magna steyr, in charge of the company (Graz) Graz production and global project contracting business.

Karl Fred richie Mr Strack out opel CEO position in July last year, gm said arranged "special mission", for its on the new post directly report to gm CEO's work. Karl Fred richie gm Mr Strack work in more than 30 years, the time limit before taking opel, a former general, head of global automotive engineering.

Karl Fred richie Mr Strack on April 1, served as President of magna steyr automotive technology, directly to the magna steyr President YiGuan DE (Guenther Apfalter) report.

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